12710 – Effects of Climate on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Crater Lake

Investigator’s Annual Reports (IAR’s) for Crater Lake National Park

Effects of Climate on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Crater Lake


Report Number: 12710

Reporting Year: 1992

Permit Number: CRLA1992ADJE

Current Status: Checked in

Date Received: Jan 01, 1998

Principal Investigator: Gary Larson, Oregon State University, Cooperative Park Studies Unit, Corvallis, OR

Additional investigator(s): Kelly Redmond, Robert Collier

Park-assigned Study Id. #: CRLA1992ADJE

Permit Expiration Date: Jan 01, 1998

Permit Start Date: Jan 01, 1998

Study Starting Date: Jan 01, 1991

Study Ending Date: Jan 01, 1997

Study Status: Completed

Activity Type: Other


Objectives: (1) Develop a model that accurately describes daily, seasonal, and annual fluctuations in water level of Crater Lake relative to climate and weather changes. (2) Extend the known water level fluctuation period back by at least 200 years (using tree ring analysis) and relate it to changing climate conditions. (3) Develop a model that accurately describes the vertical distribution of heat and salt throughout the annual climate cycle. (4) Evaluate changes in water and heat budgets and circulation of the lake based on a range of global climate change scenarios.

Findings and Status: The results thus far indicate that the weather stations and temperature recorders are functional. Some minor start-up problems have occurred, but most of these have been corrected. The climate-lake level model is functional and appears to provide good simulations of lake level changes based on weather and climate variations.

For this study, were one or more specimens collected and removed from the park but not destroyed during analyses? No

Funding provided this reporting year by NPS: 0

Funding provided this reporting year by other sources: 0

Full name of college or university: n/a

Annual funding provided by NPS to university or college this reporting year: 0

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