35944 – The Evolution of Reproductive Isolation in Mimulus

 Reporting Year: 2005
Park: Crater Lake NP
Principal Investigator:
Dr Douglas Schemske
Mailing Address:
166 Plant Biology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Additional investigators or key field assistants (first name, last nbame, office phone, office email):
James Sobel
Permit #:
Park-assigned Study Id. #:
Study Title:
The Evolution of Reproductive Isolation in Mimulus
Permit Start Date:
May 01, 2005
Permit Expiration Date:
Oct 01, 2008
Study Start Date:
May 01, 2005
Study End Date:
Oct 01, 2008
Study Status:
Activity Type:
The main objective of this study is to investigate barriers to gene flow between species in the wildflower genus Mimulus. Using a published phylogeny of the genus, recently speciated sister species pairs were selected. For each of these pairs, all potential barriers to gene flow are being measured including: habitat isolation, temporal isolation, pollinator isolation, gametic isolation, and genetic incompatibility. A variety of techniques are being employed including field observation of flowering time and pollinators, geographic range documentation from field collections and herbaria records, and experimental hybridizations in the greenhouse. In addition, DNA is being extracted from leaf tissue to estimate genetic distance between species pairs and to study patterns of historical and ongoing gene flow between these close relatives.
Findings and Status:
No activity was conducted this report year
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