12831 – Northern Spotted Owl Inventory

Investigator’s Annual Reports (IAR’s) for Crater Lake National Park

Northern Spotted Owl Inventory


Report Number: 12831

Permit Number: CRLA1997ASPZ

Date Received: Jan 01, 1998

Reporting Year: 1997

Principal Investigator: Mary Rasmussen, CRLA NP, RP&R, Terrestrial Branch

Additional investigator(s): Michael West, William Rosolowsky

Park-assigned Study Id. #: CRLA1997ASPZ

Permit Expiration Date: Jan 01, 1998

Permit Start Date: Jan 01, 1996

Study Starting Date: Jan 01, 1996

Study Ending Date: Jan 01, 1996

Study Status: Completed

Activity Type: Other

Subject/Discipline: Other

Objectives: Objectives:;Inventory survey all suitable habitat within the park; search recorded owl activity sites from 1995 survey and document if owls returned to nesting center.;Survey historical activity centers within the park for the presence of spotted owls; search recorded owl activity sites from 1996 survey and document if owls returned to nesting center.

Findings and Status: Findings:;1996 crew exceeded 1995 crews’ recorded documentation of known owl activitiy sites; 1996 crew documented new sites having owl activity. 1996 crew exceeded by documenting all of the park suitable habitat having owls found, less-likely habitat where owls were not found-reconnaissance, and sites in 1995 that were surveyed having no owls found.;1997–Of the 52 established survey areas, 33 were monitored for spotted owl presence. A total of 16 owl responses were observed at eight different locations. This total is less than the 27 responses found in 1996. No new activity centers were identified. The 16 responses included 7 adults (3 pairs), 4 juveniles and 5 unconfirmed adult responses.

For this study, were one or more specimens collected and removed from the park but not destroyed during analyses? No

Funding provided this reporting year by NPS: 25000

Funding provided this reporting year by other sources: 0

Full name of college or university: n/a

Annual funding provided by NPS to university or college this reporting year: 0

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