Investigator’s Annual Reports (IAR’s) for Crater Lake National Park
Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project
Report Number: 35832
Permit Number: CRLA-2005-SCI-0003
Current Status: Checked in
Date Received: Mar 17, 2006
Reporting Year: 2005
Principal Investigator: Dr Dixon Landers, Corvallis, OR
Additional investigator(s): Adrienne Marler, Annie Ingersoll, Dan Jaffe, Doug Glavich, Linda Geiser, Marilyn Erway, Staci Simonich, Tamara Blett
Park-assigned Study Id. # CRLA-00007
Permit Expiration Date: Dec 31, 2006
Permit Start Date: Jun 01, 2005
Study Starting Date: Jun 01, 2005
Study Ending Date: Dec 31, 2006
Study Status: Continuing
Activity Type: Research
Subject/Discipline: Ecology (Aquatic, Marine, Terrestrial)
Objectives: The Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project (WACAP) was designed and implemented by the National Park Service’s Air Resources Division, in cooperation with many western Parks, to provide spatially extensive, site specific, and temporally resolved information regarding the exposure, accumulation, and impacts of airborne contaminants in these ecosystems. WACAP was designed as a six-year program, with the first year for pilot work and method development, years two through five for sample collection and analyses, and year six for data analyses and publications. The purpose of this effort is to establish the degree of risk that western national parks may be experiencing from the long-range transport of airborne contaminants.
Specific WACAP Objectives are to:
- Determine if contaminants are present in Western National Parks
- If present, determine where contaminants are accumulating (geographically and by elevation)
- If present, determine which contaminants pose a potential ecological threat
- Determine which indicators appear to be the most useful to address contamination
- Determine the sources for contaminants measured at the national park sites
Eight national parks participate as primary parks in WACAP: Denali, Gates of the Arctic, Glacier, Mount Rainier, Noatak, Olympic, Rocky Mountain, and Sequoia. A supplemental study was initiated in 2005 to assess the concentration of semi-volatile organic compounds (SOCs) in vegetation (lichens and conifer needles) in additional parks. Eleven parks and one national forest participated in this supplemental study: Bandelier, Big Bend, Crater Lake, Glacier Bay, Grand Teton, Great Sand Dunes, Katmai, Lassen, North Cascades, Wrangell-St. Elias, and Yosemite National Parks, and the Tongass National Forest. In addition, passive air sampling devices (PASDs) were co-located with a vegetation sampling site at each park. The data obtained by this additional vegetation sampling and the PASDs will create a broader spatial context for contaminants being assessed as part of WACAP in the eight other primary western parks that participate in the project. These results will also be used to make a recommendation to NPS on which passive air samplers (natural or man-made) are most appropriate for I&M of air toxics in future studies.
Detailed information about WACAP, including the WACAP Research Plan and peer review report, is available at A peer review of the project was conducted in December 2002, and the final WACAP Research Plan was completed in May 2003. The contaminants of interest for the supplemental vegetation study are a broad range of compounds that contain a variety of SOCs and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl), DDT, and HCH (hexachlorocyclohexanes). These materials are direct or indirect products of human industrial activity and can be transported thousands of miles in the atmosphere either in the gas phase or as fine particles.
A variety of ecosystem indicators are sampled in the eight primary parks in WACAP to provide information about contaminant accumulation. These indicators include:
- Snow, to measure direct atmospheric loading;
- Fish, to measure food web impacts and bioaccumulation;
- Water, to measure hydrophilic current-use chemicals;
- Lake sediments, to provide information about historic trends of contaminant loading to watersheds;
- Vegetation, to measure food web impacts and bioaccumulation; and
- Moose meat, to sample subsistence food items (other than fish) in Alaska parks.
Snow is sampled at each site each year for three years, while the other indicators are sampled once during the project. A final data base and report will be prepared that will provide information on the exposure, historic and seasonal trends, and bioaccumulation of airborne contaminants in these national parks.
Findings and Status: Accomplishments for the Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project (WACAP) in 2005 include the continued development of sampling and analytical methods, the analysis of samples collected in 2003, 2004, and 2005, the collection of snow or bulk precipitation from eight national parks, the collection of vegetation from 11 national parks and one national forest, and the collection of fish, sediment, and lake water from two sites in Mt. Rainier National Park, two sites in Glacier National Park, and two sites in Olympic National Park.
Vegetation was sampled at 5 sites in Crater Lake NP at a range of elevation from 1798 to 2713 meters in August, 2005. Site #1 was west of the Lodgepole Picnic areas and just southeast of Bear Bluff, in a lodgepole pine stand at an elevation of 1798 meters. Site #2 was northwest of road 62 and northeast of Whitehorse Pond, in a mixed conifer stand (white fir, lodgepole pine, and mountain hemlock) at an elevation of 1859 meters. The ground was rocky with a ground cover dominated by bearberry manzanita and grouse huckleberry. The lichen community was dominated by mixed Bryoria species with some Alectoria and Letharia. Site #3 was on a meadow bench just off the Lightning Springs trail, west of Rim Drive, at an elevation of 2134 meters. This site was in a meadow with clumps of old Shasta fir and mountain hemlock, and the ground was sandy, with dry soil covered mostly with grass and buckwheat. Site #4 was on the southwest side of Mt. Scott, approximately 1.6 kilometers up the Mt. Scott trail at an elevation of 2423 meters. This site was in a whitebark pine stand with some mountain hemlock and red fir. The slope was steep and rocky with very little vegetation. The lichens were mostly mixed Bryoria and Letharia species. Site #5 was at the top of Mt. Scott on the northeast side of the fire lookout at an elevation of 2713 meters. This site was on a gently sloping rocky summit ridge vegetated by clumps of small whitebark pine and some high elevation herbs (pasque flower, paintbrush, penstemon and bunch grasses). No lichens were found here.
Six conifer needle samples from second year growth were collected, with sample weights of 100 grams. Five lichen samples were collected, with weights ranging from 15 to 52 grams. The following species were collected:
- conifer needles of Abies magnifica from sites #1, and #3;
- conifer needles of Abies concolor from site #2;
- conifer needles of Pinus albicaulis from sites #4 and #5; and
- Letharia vulpina lichen from sites #1, #2, #3, and #4
These vegetation samples were stored in labeled bags and shipped in coolers to the analytical laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon after collection, where they were stored at -20° C. Work is continuing on these samples as they are being prepared for analysis of semi-volatile organic compounds.
One passive air sampler was installed on August 17, 2005, at Site #5 at an elevation of 2713 meters. The resin tube in this sampler has a consistent uptake rate for air toxics, and after one year at the site, the sampler will be retrieved and the resins extracted for analysis of semi-volatile organic compounds.
Please note that the funding amounts reported with this IAR are the total amounts provided by NPS for the WACAP project at all 19 national parks in 2005.
For this study, were one or more specimens collected and removed from the park but not destroyed during analyses? Yes
Funding provided this reporting year by NPS: 1010715
Funding provided this reporting year by other sources: 448160
Full name of college or university: Oregon State University, University of Washington-Bothell
Annual funding provided by NPS to university or college this reporting year: 494667
Other pages in this section
- Index – Principal Investigators
- Index – Research Projects By Year
- 12685 – Botrychium pumicola Annual Inventory
- 12686 – Dutton Ridge Air Visibility Monitoring
- 12687 – Spotted Owl Inventory, Crater Lake National Park
- 12688 – Departure Analysis
- 12689 – Magma Chamber Evolution of Cascade Volcanoes
- 12690 – Plant materials for Crater Lake National Park Revegetation Project
- 12691 – Volcanic evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12692 – Tree Section Collection
- 12693 – Fire Monitoring Plots
- 12694 – RAWS Installation
- 12695 – Origin of the Magma Chamber Under Mount Mazama
- 12696 – Trail impact monitoring
- 12697 – North American Truffling Society Foray
- 12698 – Establishment and Defense of the Cascade Range Forest Reserve
- 12699 – Fine Particulate Monitoring
- 12700 – Volcanic Breccias: Evaluation of Fragment and Deposit Origins
- 12701 – Developing a Resource Database for Crater Lake
- 12702 – U.S. Geological Survey-Hydrologic Benchmark Station
- 12703 – Visibility Monitoring
- 12704 – Treespade Transplanting Trails
- 12705 – A survey of the aquatic macroinvertebrates
- 12706 – Ecology of kokanee salmon and rainbow trout
- 12707 – Limnological Studies of Crater Lake
- 12708 – Particle fluxes in Crater lake and their relationship to nutrient cycling
- 12709 – Studies of hydrothermal processes in Crater Lake, Oregon
- 12710 – Effects of Climate on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Crater Lake
- 12711- Collection of Representative Rocks from Crater Lake
- 12712 – Research Spotted Owl Distribution
- 12713 – What Price Expansion? Dams Versus the National Park Concept
- 12714 – Administrative History of John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
- 12715 – Plant Materials for Crater Lake National Park Revegetation Project
- 12716 – Volcanic Breccias: Evaluation
- 12717 – Reserved Water Rights Claim Preparation for the Klamath Basin Adjudication
- 12718 – Fine Particulate Monitoring. NPS Contract Number CX0001-8-0017
- 12719 – A Proposed Gas-Volcanic Solution To the Crater Lake, Oregon Collapse Structure
- 12720 – Volcanic Evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12721 – Bull Trout Restoration in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- 12722 – Ecology of Kokanee Salmon and Rainbow Trout
- 12723 – Fungi Inventory of Crater Lake National Park
- 12724 – Hydrologic Studies
- 12725 – Limnological Studies of Crater Lake
- 12726 – Crater Lake National Park 10-year Limnological Studies Final Report
- 12727 – A Population Survey for the Rare Sedge Carex Whitneyi at Crater Lake National Park
- 12728 – National Benchmark Station
- 12729 – PSD Increment Tracking
- 12730 – Prescribed Fire
- 12731 – Fire Monitoring Plots
- 12732 – Hazardous Fuel Pile and Burn
- 12733 – Preparation for Klamath River Basin Adjudication
- 12734 – Volcanic Evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12735 – Fine Particulate Monitoring
- 12736 – Plant Materials for Crater Lake National Park Revegetation Project
- 12737 – Ecology of Kokanee Salmon and Rainbow Trout in Crater Lake, Oregon
- 12738 – Bull Trout Restoration in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- 12739 – Amphibian Survey in Crater Lake National Park
- 12740 – Longterm Limnological Monitoring
- 12741 – A population survey for the rare sedge Carex whitneyi at Crater Lake National Park
- 12742 – National Benchmark Station, Collection of Basic Records
- 12743 – PSD Increment tracking
- 12744 – Prescribed Fire
- 12745 – Fire Monitoring Plots
- 12746 – Hazardous Fuel Pile and Burn
- 12747 – Preparation for Klamath River Basin Adjudication
- 12748 – Volcanic Evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12749 – Fine Particulate Monitoring. NPS Contract Number CX0001-8-0017
- 12750 – Plant Materials for Crater Lake National Park Revegetation Project
- 12751 – Ecology of Kokanee Salmon and Rainbow Trout in Crater Lake, Oregon
- 12752 – Bull Trout Restoration in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- 12753 – Amphibian Survey in Crater Lake National Park
- 12754 – Longterm Limnological Monitoring
- 12755 – Conservation Biology of the Mt. Mazama Collomia
- 12756 – Checklist of Plants of Crater Lake National Park
- 12757 – Spotted Owl Inventory
- 12758 – Crater Lake National Park Vegetation Mapping
- 12759 – Fire Monitoring Plots
- 12760 – Hazardous Fuel Pile and Burn
- 12761 – Prescribed Fire
- 12762 – Volcanic Evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12763 – Spotted Owl Inventory
- 12764 – Conservation Biology of the Mt. Mazama Collomia
- 12765 – Amphibian Survey in Crater Lake National Park
- 12766 – Bull Trout Restoration in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- 12767 – Ecology of Kokanee Salmon and Rainbow Trout in Crater Lake, Oregon
- 12768 – Fine Particulate Monitoring. NPS Contract Number CX0001-8-0017
- 12769 – Crater Lake National Park Vegetation Mapping
- 12770 – PSD Increment tracking
- 12771 – Plant Materials for Crater Lake National Park Revegetation Project
- 12772 – Longterm Limnological Monitoring
- 12773 – Botrychium pumicola Annual Inventory
- 12774 – National Benchmark Station, Collection of Basic Records
- 12775 – A population survey for the rare sedge Carex whitneyi at Crater Lake National Park
- 12776 – Checklist of Plants of Crater Lake National Park
- 12777 – Fire Monitoring Plots
- 12778 – Hazardous Fuel Pile and Burn
- 12779 – Management Ignited Fire
- 12780 – Volcanic Evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12781 – Restoration Strategies for Collomia mazama-Phase II
- 12782 – Conservation Biology of the Mt. Mazama Collomia
- 12783 – Bull Trout Restoration in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- 12784 – Ecology of Kokanee Salmon and Rainbow Trout in Crater Lake, Oregon
- 12785 – Fine Particulate Monitoring. NPS Contract Number CX0001-8-0017
- 12786 – Crater Lake National Park Vegetation Mapping
- 12787 – Survey of the hydra (coelenterata) in Crater Lake
- 12788 – Climate Change and Lower Food Web Structure in Lake Ecosystems
- 12789 – PSD Increment tracking
- 12790 – Federal Highway Admin HQ-Rim Revegetation Project
- 12791- Revegetation Lodge Landscape
- 12792 – Ecology of Pumice Desert
- 12793 – Longterm Limnological Monitoring
- 12794 – Crater Lake Tributaries Flow Assessment
- 12795 – Northern Spotted Owl Inventory
- 12796 – Botrychium pumicola Monitoring Project at Llao Rock (5th year)
- 12797 – Preparation for Klamath River Basin Adjudication
- 12798 – National Benchmark Station, Collection of Basic Records
- 12799 – Hydrothermal Convection in Cascade Volcanoes-Magma Migration in Cascade Volcanoes
- 12800 – Phylogenetics and Speciation in a Daphnia pulex Species Complex
- 12801 – Restoration strategies for Collomia mazama – phase II
- 12802 – The use of camera bait stations to detect fisher and wolverine in Crater Lake National Park
- 12803 – Fire Monitoring Plots
- 12804 – Ecology of Kokanee Salmon and Rainbow Trout in Crater Lake, Oregon
- 12785 – Fine Particulate Monitoring. NPS Contract Number CX0001-8-0017
- 12786 – Crater Lake National Park Vegetation Mapping
- 12787 – Survey of the hydra (coelenterata) in Crater Lake
- 12788 – Climate Change and Lower Food Web Structure in Lake Ecosystems
- 12789 – PSD Increment tracking
- 12790 – Federal Highway Admin HQ-Rim Revegetation Project
- 12791 – Revegetation Lodge Landscape
- 12792 – Ecology of Pumice Desert
- 12793 – Longterm Limnological Monitoring
- 12794 – Crater Lake Tributaries Flow Assessment
- 12795 – Northern Spotted Owl Inventory
- 12796 – Botrychium pumicola Monitoring Project at Llao Rock (5th year)
- 12797 – Preparation for Klamath River Basin Adjudication
- 12798 – National Benchmark Station, Collection of Basic Records
- 12799 – Hydrothermal Convection in Cascade Volcanoes-Magma Migration in Cascade Volcanoes
- 12800 – Phylogenetics and Speciation in a Daphnia pulex Species Complex
- 12801 – Restoration strategies for Collomia mazama – phase II
- 12802 – The use of camera bait stations to detect fisher and wolverine in Crater Lake National Park
- 12803 – Fire Monitoring Plots
- 12804 – Hazardous Fuel Pile and Burn
- 12805 – Management Ignited Fire
- 12806 – Volcanic Evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12807 – Restoration Strategies for Collomia mazama-Phase II
- 12808 – Ecology of Asarum species
- 12809 – Physical Characteristics of the Cleetwood Air-fall Tephra
- 12810 – Conservation Biology of the Mt. Mazama Collomia
- 12811 – Bull Trout Restoration in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- 12812 – Ecology of Kokanee Salmon and Rainbow Trout in Crater Lake, Oregon
- 12813 – Fine Particulate Monitoring. NPS Contract Number CX0001-8-0017
- 12814 – Crater Lake National Park Vegetation Mapping
- 12815 – Survey of the hydra (coelenterata) in Crater Lake
- 12816 – Climate Change and Lower Food Web Structure in Lake Ecosystems
- 12817 – Federal Highway Admin HQ-Rim Revegetation Project
- 12818 – Revegetation Lodge Landscape
- 12819 – Potential for hybridization and gene flow in an isolated population of Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae)
- 12820 – Nutrient study of Crater Lake
- 12821 – Ecology of Pumice Desert
- 12822 – Survey of Freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) in Crater Lake National Park
- 12823 – 1997 EMAP Oregon Pilot Survey
- 12824 – Longterm Limnological Monitoring
- 12825 – Crater Lake Tributaries Flow Assessment
- 12826 – Archeological Excavation of Bear Creek Cave
- 12827 – Survey Fort Klamath-Union Creek military wagon road within boundaries of Park
- 12828 – Botrychium pumicola Monitoring Project at Llao Rock (5th year)
- 12829 – Preparation for Klamath River Basin Adjudication
- 12830 – National Benchmark Station, Collection of Basic Records
- 12831 – Northern Spotted Owl Inventory
- 12832 – Scenic Images of Crater Lake National Park: A Focus Group Analysis
- 12833 – Hydrothermal Convection in Cascade Volcanoes-Magma Migration in Cascade Volcanoes
- 12834 – Phylogenetics and Speciation in a Daphnia pulex Species Complex
- 12835 – Hybridization in an isolated population: an example from Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae)
- 12836 – FIA/FHM Inventory of eastern Oregon’s timberlands
- 12837 – Educational Research for Elementary School Science
- 12838 – Trace element partitioning coefficients for feldspar in high-silica rhyolite
- 12839 – Volcanic Evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12840 – Restoration Strategies for Collomia mazama-Phase II
- 12841 – Inventory of Native Bumblebees of Crater Lake
- 12842 – Source constraints for growth of continental arcs based on Re-Os isotope fractionation
- 12843 – Bull Trout Restoration in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- 12844 – Inventory of Native Bumblebees of Crater Lake
- 12845 – Magma migration and Hydrothermal Convection in High Cascade volcanoes
- 12846 – Volcanic Evolution of the Crater Lake Region
- 12847 – Stable Isotopic Study of Sulfur Degassing during the Eruption of Mt. Mazama
- 12848 – Examination of the factors promoting hybridization between Penstemon davidsonii and P. rupicola
- 12849 – Soil Survey of Crater Lake National Park
- 12850 – Multi-spectral Thermal Imager (MTI)
- 20572 – Calibration of the (U-Th)/He geochronometer by analysis of the Mt. Mazama ash flow
- 20805 – USEPA’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP)
- 21365 – Conduit processes of the Cleetwood eruption, inferred from textural, petrologic, and water content analyses
- 21726 – Forestry inventory and Analysis
- 21728 – Seasonal effects of prescribed fire at Crater lake
- 22081 – Transport of Asiatic Aerosols into Crater Lake National Park
- 22333 – Assessment of Sensitive Amphibians in Southwest Oregon (State – Federal Partnership)
- 23891 – The Generation of Post-Caldera Rhyodacite in Crater Lake, Oregon
- 24578 – Ecology of the Pumice Desert
- 24750 – Inventory of Amphibians and Reptiles Klamath Parks Network Inventory and Monitoring Program
- 24831 – Forestry inventory and Analysis
- 24892 – Territorial Interactions Between Species of Corvids
- 25031 – Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation Experiment (ITCT)
- 25854 – Fire History of Whitebark Pine Forests Crater Lake, Mount Rainier, and North Cascades National Parks
- 26142 – Effects of Prescribed Burning on Mycorrhizal Fungi in Crater Lake National Park
- 27032 – Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation Experiment (ITCT)
- 27732 – Small Mammal Inventories in Klamath Network
- 28174 – The role of western dwarf mistletoe in fire susceptibility and behavior in mature ponderosa pine stands
- 28176 – The role of western dwarf mistletoe in fire susceptibility and behavior in mature ponderosa pine stands
- 28845 – Forestry inventory and Analysis
- 28949 – Seasonal Effects of Prescribed Fire on Ponderosa Pine
- 29581 – Soil Characterization for 2006 International Soil Science Society
- 29629 – REVSYS: A Holistic Approach to a Holarctic Group
- 29969 – Effects of Prescribed Burning on Mycorrhizal Fungi in Crater Lake National Park
- 30792 – Distribution and abundance of bat species in Crater Lake and others
- 31048 – Crater Lake NP Winter Wolverine Survey 2004 – 2005
- 32052 – Bryophyte Survey and Inventory in the Crater Lake Caldera
- 32134 – The role of western dwarf mistletoe in fire susceptibility and behavior in mature ponderosa pine stands
- 32344 – Patterns and consequences of insect herbivory in Lupinus lepidus at Crater Lake National Park
- 32739 – Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation Experiment (ITCT)
- 33788 – Spatial, Temporal and Depth Distribution of Snow Properties in the Crater Lake Snowpack
- 34486 – Forest Inventory and Analysis
- 35198 – Crater Lake NP Winter Wolverine Survey 2004 – 2005
- 35203 – Fire History of Whitebark Pine Forests Crater Lake, Mount Rainier, and North Cascades National Parks
- 35760 – Distribution and relative abundance of bat species in Crater Lake National Park and others
- 35873 – 2005 Crater Lake NP Rangeland Ecological Site Description Data Collection
- 35944 – The Evolution of Reproductive Isolation in Mimulus
- 36142 – Evolution of color patterns in garter snakes