March 3 1891 Forest Reserve Act passed by Congress, abolishing the sale of public domain lands. The new law allows the President to proclaim by executive order “forest reserves” from any public domain land that is forested or covered with undergrowth.
March 30 1891 In a letter to Judge Waldo, Steel writes, …is this “not be an opportune time to have the Alpine Club petition for the withdrawal of the summit of the Cascade Range?”
April 4 1891 Judge Waldo responds to Steel’s letter, “ I am glad to see that your interest has not abated concerning the question of a Cascade Mt. public reserve…My view is that the entire Cascade Range should be reserved.”
July 31 1891 Ashland Tidings – The Times of last week says, “We are authorized to state that any responsible party will agree to raise and repaint the government boat Cleetwood, now sunk in Crater Lake, can get permission to raise the boat by applying to W. G. Steel, at Portland, who has it in charge.” If the boat is in the shallow water of the bench near the shore it would be but little trouble to raise the boat. If is happens to be out some distance a grappling hook with a 2000-foot handle should be provided by the party who undertakes this contract.
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