Smith History – 61 News from 1908


January 31  1908                  W. M. Hodson and Chas. True expect to leave soon for the terminus of the Weed railroad, and from which place they will go to Crater Lake, the purpose of the trip being the selection of an automobile route from that point to the lake. They have already made a tour of inspection from Eagle Point to the lake, and after they make this Weed inspection they will determine from which of the two points they will start their automobile transportation line to the lake. They have formed a partnership for this express purpose and are very anxious to determine the route as soon as possible so that they may be in readiness to accommodate the travel when it starts. A little boosting for the Medford and Eagle Point route might not be out of place right at this time by the people hereabouts who are interested–and we all are–in having     the route mapped out from this valley. “City Happenings,” Medford Mail, January 31, 1908, page 5

May                        1908       Owen Wilson writes in “World Work Magazine”, that while traveling to Crater Lake he saw some Indians that had “an air of dignified respectability.”  Their bones were large, showing evidence of cross-breeding.  Other Indians were camped in the mud and were still using dug-out canoes. “And at no time in the world’s history could anyone have been dirtier, lazier, or more hopeless looking.”

July 1                     1908       Mazama National Forest Reserve established, containing the total drainage of the Rogue River.  The name was eventually changed to the Rogue National Forest. Oregon, Umpqua, Cascade and Crater National Forests are also established.

July 10                   1908       “No drinking or barroom will be permitted upon government lands in the Park”.

July 20                   1908       A Lodge owned auto brings in a camping party of 6 visitors.

August                   1908       Violent storm destroys the Lake’s gasoline launch, the Wocus.

August 15              1908       Isaac Skeeters, guide and organizer for the Crater Lake discovery party, dies and is buried in the Laurel Cemetery, Cave Junction, Oregon.

August 21              1908     W. M. Hodson and his chief chauffeur, Van R. Gilberts, left yesterday afternoon about 3 o’clock for Crater Lake. They are traveling in a Buick, Model F, and expected to reach their destination sometime during the night, and will return tomorrow. They are making the trip for the purpose of inspecting the roads. As a result of the inspection it is not altogether improbable that Mr. Hodson will establish an automobile line between Medford and the lake.

 Medford Mail, August 21, 1908, page 4

September            1908       John Muir visits Crater Lake for the second time.  Earlier had declared- Crater Lake as the “one grand wonder of the region.”

1908       Season:  Plans are drawn up to extend the park into the surrounding lower elevations.

From 1908 until 1913 the average annual variation of the lake level is place at only 1.55 feet.

“No grazing is allowed in Crater lake.  There is authority for permitting cattle to remote sections of the Park where such pasturage of livestock would not interfere with the use of the park by visitors.  However, we have felt that the whole area of the Park was greatly over-grazed before becoming a park and resulted in the destruction of the flora of the region. “  (Steven Mather)

Skell Head – named by William G. Steel for the Indian deity of the Plains, or the Klamath god of the Klamath March.

First meals served in the park by Mrs. Jessie B. Momyer, at Annie Springs, in a log cabin erected for that purpose.

Winter          1908 – 1909    Park buildings collapse because of the winter’s snow load and are eventually rebuilt.

Will Steel convinces Congress to appropriate $10,000 to begin building roads into the Park.  The money was spent through the seasons of 1910 and 1911.  The total cost of proper roads was estimated at $700,000.

Season                  1909       Visitation: 5,275

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