Smith History – 70 News from 1917


January 2              1917       Judge Steel is given special recognition by Stephen Mather for his 17 year struggle to gain national park status for Crater Lake, during the Proceedings of the National Parks Conference in Washington, D.C. “Mr. Will G. Steel, who now has the dignified title of judge, spent 17 years, ladies and gentlemen, in working to procure for you and me and future generations the Crater Lake National Park.  Seventeen years; think of the man so devoted to a cause that he will give the best years of his life and all the money that he could earn and borrow to create a national park.  But he did.”

January 20           1917       CONSTRUCTION OF CRATER LAKE ROAD BEGINS THIS YEAR – Medford Mail Tribune

Will G. Steel has just returned from Washington and Salem, where he was eminently successful in the interest of the road Crater lake highway. He has sufficiently progressed to announce that the road between Prospect and the park line will be built this summer, and he hopes to accomplish considerable more.

While in Washington Mr. Steel was sick for some time, under the care of a physician, but among other things, he managed to attend the national park conference, which he pronounces the most interesting and effective ever held, of which he has attended every session. Many questions pertaining to national parks were discussed by eminent men and women, and considerable interest was awakened in congress. Strong pressure is being drawn on congress to create the Grand Canyon National park in Arizona, and to greatly increase in size the Sequoia National park of California. Crater lake claimed and received its full share of attention and will receive many new visitors this year as a result of the conference, among whom may be mentioned Orville Wright, who expects to come here with his nephew, and Dr. Reik, of Johns Hopkins university, who has certainly the last work on color photography, who will visit the park with Frederick V. Coville, chief botanist of the agricultural department, to prepare in color a work on the botany of Crater lake.

January 30        1917    Band of Elk Will be Sent to Crater Lake – Post – Enterprise, Deputy Game Warden George Mitchell brought to this city Saturday a band of elk which he captured at the Billy Meadows pasture 30 miles northeast of here, and acting under orders from the state game commission they will be shipped at the earliest opportunity to the Crater Laek National park in southern Oregon. The herd is made up of yearlings and 2-year-olds and they are fine specimens.

January 31            1917       Small elk herd, from Yellowstone released in the Park.  A month later another herd is released after being captured in Eastern Oregon.  The Park’s herd consists of 15 Rocky Mountain Elk.

February 3             1917       G.E. Goodwin appointed as acting superintendent.

April 15                  1917       Three-fourths of Crater Lake freezes over.

April 15                  1917       Telephone communication is established between the Lodge and Annie Springs.

May 5                     1917       In a letter to Acting NPS Director Horace Albright, Harry Rosenberg (of Harry & David’s fruit packing fame) of Medford writes that the NPS is allowing thousands of acres of grass in Crater Lake NP to go to waste and create a terrible fire hazard.  Rosenberg proposes “that this grass is capable of supporting two thousand or more sheep with absolutely no harm to the grass…Not a half dozen people visit these grassy plains during the summer…I cannot understand a single reason why this tract should not be used. I am quite aware that Mr. Will Steele (sic) who is the present Supervisor of the Park–a fine old gentleman–is opposed to the pasturing of any portion for sentimental reasons since the Park is a hobby and “pet” with him…Mr. Steele can see only a barron (sic) waste land after a year of pasturing…Help to allow us to increase our herds, and thus the meat production of the country…This grassland…offers neither profit or enjoyment to anyone…”

May 11                   1917       Responding to Mr. Rosenberg, Acting Director Albright responds, “I have your letter of May 5 suggesting that Crater Lake National Park be opened to the grazing of sheep during the coming season.  I regret, therefore, that it will not be possible for the National Park Service to consider your application for the privilege of grazing sheep in Crater Lake National Park.”

May 6                     1917       William G. Carrol appointed as the Park’s new superintendent.

May 17                   1917       In a letter to Horace Albright, in Washington, D.C., Park Superintendent Alex Sparrow suggests some changes to the “Big” superintendent’s house at Annie Springs.  “I would suggest converting two rooms into an office and retaining two bed rooms for myself and guests, turn the kitchen, dining room and two bed rooms over to some person that could fill the bill.  (Provide meals or a bed for guests).  Have some one live in it that is willing to feed me and any person I chose to entertain.  Mrs. Steel would not do this and could not if she would; she appears to have a holy horror of anything that suggests of work.  With the exception of 1914 when her sister was clerk at headquarters, she never remained in the park more than four or five weeks during the season, and Mr. Steel must be where his family is.  Those were the conditions when he was Superintendent, and we could not expect any more from him as Commissioner…I could get a cook of my own, and let Mr. Steel have a bed room, provided he did not ask me to feed his wife…the small cottage would be available for Mr. Steel, if he should take a notion to visit the park. For the short time that he is likely to remain there, it sees to me that he should get a tent at the rim and live in it or at the hotel.

I want to be reasonable with all concerned, especially Mr. Steel, but I don’t feel justified in impairing the administration of the park to make it comfortable for people who did not live there when they were paid for doing so.  Any suggestions would be cheerfully carried out.

Men are scarce, and two of our prospective rangers have gone to the ship yards.  Am living in hopes of discovering a good man among our temporary employees this season.

The price of pumps, engines and galvanized pipe has gone over the top, and I doubt if we could get a pump and engine delivered before winter.” Signed, Alex Sparrow.

May 28                   1917       In a letter addressed to Park Superintendent Alex Sparrow, Assistant NPS Director, Horace Albright writes: “With further reference to Mr. Steel, I would observe that it is probably your duty to urge Mr. Steel to remain in the park during the entire tourist season.  Congress authorized the appointment of a Commissioner to reside in the park in order to make it possible to promptly punish violations of the rules and regulations and to obviate the necessity of removing the offenders to points outside of the park.  If the purpose of the Crater Lake Jurisdiction Act is not to be defeated Mr. Steel must remain in the park through the season.”

June 2   1917                GRIZZLIES NAME MOUNTAIN AFTER WILL G. STEEL From the Mail Tribune

Last Sunday about 6: 30 a.m. a party of 19 including Grizzlies, a few of their friends and two “Mazamas” of Portland, left the Garnett-Corney building on Eads’ auto truck and were taken via Talent up Anderson’s creek from where they climbed to the top of the Siskiyou peaks for the purpose of naming the mountain “steel” in honor of Mr. William Gladstone Steel of Medford.

After climbing from peak to peak for about four hours the party reached a height which on a geological survey map has an altitude of 5,001 feet, approximately 8 miles south and two miles west of Medford. On the crest of this peak, their destination, they found a tall towering rock, with a flat slab facing the southwest, here they gathered and melting snow for coffee at their lunch. Then Llewellyn Davies, the Grizzly sculptor, chiseled “Mt. Steel, Grizzlies. After a few appropriate remarks a bottle of Crater Lake water was broken on the highest pinnacle of the rock. Reports of the day’s proceedings were signed by those present and these together with the biography of Mr. Steel were sealed in a tin can and laid in one of the sheltered crevices.

(Apparently the club never registered the name so it did not stick. Probably today’s Anderson Butte.)

June 13                  1917       Superintendent William Steel has completed arrangements whereby work will commence soon on a telephone line from Prospect to Crater Lake. This was made possible by the forestry service and private subscriptions. When completed, which will be in a few weeks, this will give a direct line to the lake viaa Prospect instead of around by Klamath Falls. (Medford Sun)

July                         1917       Horace Albright, acting director of the National Park Service, visits the Park.

J.F. Atkins and Lloyd Smith tack an American flag to the Phantom Ship.

July 3                     1917       E. A. Chinlund of Long Beach, California, expert cinematographer of the Balboa Amusement

Producing company, together with his assistant and family, and an elaborate moving picture-taking outfit, conferred with Will Still in Medford before heading to Crater Lake.

Mr. Chinlund announced that his company will go to work at once in producing a big moving picture spectacle of Crater lake.

His moving pictures will show Mount Mazama as it originally stood ages ago in all its grandeur and beauty. Then the spectacle will show the great mountain erupting, following by the wonderfully, awe-inspiring sight of the explosion by which its top was blown off, leaving the huge crater now water filled and known as Crater lake, one of the world’s great wonders. (MMT)

July 11                   1917       Salter Construction is awarded a contract for the construction of two lodges, each 16 by 24 feet, to be begun by July 15.  One lodge will be located at White Horse and the second will be placed at the Pinnacles.  Because of early snowmelt, these two areas will be available to Park visitors much earlier than the present accommodations at higher elevations.

July 28                   1917       Will Steel, park commissioner, told the Mail Tribune that the work of building a new trail from the rim down to the lake level would be begun at once. The government has appropriated $6,000 for this purpose. Twenty-five men are wanted at once to build the new trail. They will be paid wages of $3 a day and can board themselves in camp on the rim. The work will last two months. The new traail will be five or six feet wide and will be built at such a grade from the rim to the water’s edge that anhone can easily descend and ascend.

August 1                1917       H.E. Momyer officially vacates the office of superintendent.

August 2                1917       Alex Sparrow appointed Superintendent of the Park.

August 19        1917     The Portland Chamber of Commerce says that the Lodge should not be confused with an elaborate hotel of the summer resort variety.  They say the building has 54 rooms, some with hot and cold water. 


From the Admistrative History of Crater Lake National Park. Prices effective January 1, 1917. The company operated daily automobile service between Medford (83 miles from the park) and Klamath Falls (62 miles from the park) and Crater Lake. Automobiles left the Hotels Medford and Nash in Medford each morning, stopped for lunch at Prospect, and reached the lake in the evening. Returning automobiles left Crater Lake each morning, reaching Medford in time to connect with outgoing evening trains. Automobiles left the White Pelican Hotel in Klamath Falls each morning and arrived at the lake at noon. Returning automobiles left the lake after lunch and reached the White Pelican Hotel in time for supper.

The rates for these automobile services were:


Medford to Crater Lake and return $15.00
Klamath Falls to Crater Lake and return 8.50
Medford to Crater Lake, thence to 15.00

These accommodations, along with the rates charged for such services, were:

Crater Lake Lodge, on the rim of the lake, is of stone and frame construction and contains 64 sleeping rooms, with ample bathing facilities as well as fire protection. Tents are provided at the lodge as sleeping quarters for those who prefer them, meals being taken at the lodge.

At Anna Spring Camp, 5 miles below the rim of Crater Lake, the company maintains a camp for the accommodation of guests, a general store (with branch at Crater Lake Lodge) for the sale of provisions and campers’ supplies, and a livery barn.

The authorized rates are as follows:

Rates at Crater Lake Lodge
Board and lodging (lodging in tents), one person:
    Per day $ 3.25
    Per week 17.50
Board and lodging, two or more persons in one tent:
    Per day each 3.00
    Per week each 15.00
Lodging in tents:
    One person, per night 1.00
    Two or more persons in one tent, per night each .75
Board and lodging (lodging in hotel), one person:
    Per day 3.75
    Per week 20.00
Board and lodging, two or more persons in one room:
    Per day each 3.50
    Per week each 17.50
Lodging in hotel:
    One person, per night 1.50
    Two or more persons in one room, per night each 1.25
In hotel rooms, with hot and cold water:
  Board and lodging, one person
    Per day 4.25
    Per week 22.50
  Board and lodging, two or more persons in room
    Per day each 4.00
    Per week each 20.00
    One person, per night 2.00
    Two or more persons in one room, per night each 1.75
  Baths (extra) ,50
  Fires in rooms (extra) .25
  Single meals 1.00

Rates at Anna Spring tent camp

Board and lodging, each person:
    Per day 2.50
    Per week 15.00
    Breakfast or lunch .50
    Dinner .75
    Children under 10 years, half rates at lodge or camp

The Crater Lake Company operated a general store at Anna Spring Camp and a branch store at Crater Lake Lodge. The stores sold provisions, tourists’ supplies, gasoline, motor oil, hay and grain, fishing gear, drugs, Kodak film supplies, and bakers’ goods.

While visitors were permitted to provide their own transportation and to camp in the park, subject to regulations, the Crater Lake Company operated in-park concession automobile, saddle horse, and stage transportation services. Fares and rates for these services were:



Fare between Anna Spring Camp and Crater Lake Lodge:
    One way                                                    $0.50 $0.50
    Round trip                                                   1.00 1.00
Transportation, per mile, within the park      $0.10 .10
Special trips will be made when parties of four or more are made up, as follows:
    To Anna Creek Canyon, including Dewie Canyon and Garden of the Gods, 24-mile trip, for each person  $2.00 2.00

To Cloud Cap, including Kerr Notch, Sentinel Rock, and Red Cloud Cliff and Pinnacles, 40-mile trip, for each person   $3.00

    The Sunset Drive, from Crater Lake Lodge to summit of road at Watchman, at sunset, 10-mile trip, for each person    $1.00 1.00


Saddle horses, pack animals, and burros (when furnished):
    Per hour  $0.50 0.50
    Per day      3.00 3.00
Service of guide, with horse:
    Per hour     $1.00 1.00
    Per day         3.00 3.00


Launch trip:
    Wizard Island and return, per person  $0.50 .50
    Around Wizard Island and Phantom Ship and return (about 15 miles), per person  2.00 2.00
    Around the lake     $2.50 2.50
    Per hour   $0.50 .50
    Per day       2.50 2.50
    With boat puller, per hour      $1.00 1.00
    With detachable motor
        Per hour                               $1.00 1.00
        Per day                                   5.00 5.00

Summer                1917       Dr. Bush, “Lady of the Woods” sculptor claims the distinction of being the first white man to camp over-night on Wizard Island.  (Claim is unfounded)

The Lake Trail (Sparrow Trail), located between the Lodge and Garfield, and the Garfield Peak Trail are extensively rebuilt during the summer season.   Superintendent Sparrow rides his horse, Imp, to the top of and the bottom of both trails. (Imp – Imperitor – German for “emperor”)

The trail starts on the north side of the Lodge and is called the Lake Trail.  The Trail is 1.25 miles long with a 15 percent grade.

The Watchman Trail is also built.

September 29      1917       The official Crater Lake season will come to an end Sunday night, when the hotels at both the

upper and lower camps and other accommodations for the public will be closed, and the services of the summer park employees for the season will be dispensed with.

As this is the best month of the year at the lake, and the weather there a large part of September is beautiful, a number of visitors will probably yet visit the lake before prohibitive weather sets in. The road and trail building work will be continued until winter weather prevents.

The number of autos entering the park was much larger than last season.

The decreased attendance to the lake this summer and fall is attributed chiefly to the forest fires and smoke in the vicinity of Crater Lake park.

The attendance this season up to Friday by the various entrances was as follows: Medford entrance, autos 1,337, people 5,913. Southern entrance, autos 937, people 3,853.  Eastern entrance (estimated), autos 400, people 1,600. Total autos, 2,674; total people, 11,366.

October 1 thru 19   1917    Lady of the Woods carved by Dr. Ralph Bush, a doctor with the Rim road construction and survey crew.  The man-created work of art is Dr. Bush’s desire for fulfillment:  “The statue represents my offering to the forest, my interpretation of its stillness and response, its beauty, fascination and unseen life.  Deep love of this virgin wilderness fastened itself upon me and remains to this day.”  Named by Fred Kiser, photographer who built a photo studio on the Rim now being used as the Park’s Visitor Center.

October 17            1917       Superintendent Alex Sparrow rides his horse “Imp” down the Sparrow Lake Trail, below the Lodge.  The first horse to reach the shores of Crater Lake.

Season                  1917       State of Oregon relinquishes all jurisdictions in the Park.  West Rim Road graded to Llao Rock and the East Rim Road is graded to The Wine Glass.

Chief “powder monkey” Turner is killed while blasting for the Rim road.  A small charge misfires.

Superintendent’s Report: “There have been no wild flowers in the park since it was established.  The sheep that ranged over this area before the park was established utterly destroyed the wild flowers. Wild animals are now more numerous and the wild flowers are returning.”

The West Entrance Ranger Station is built for $933.50. Sentinel Rock area proposed as a site for a new Lodge.

Mail Tribune report for the season – November 24, 1917

A much-welcomed feature next summer will be inauguration of burro service and horse service at the park. The burros will carry people who wish to go down to the lake and back, but cannot stand the exertion at that altitude, over the new trail from the rim to the water’s edge.

“The department is doing everything possible to attract people to this wonderful but comparatively little-known national park,” said Mr. Sparrow today, “and while much improvement work was done this past season, many improvements are yet to be made. However.

“During the past season over six miles of road and eight miles of trail were built. The road around the rim will be 35 miles long and will be finished next season. “Among the trails built is one along the rim, west from the hotel to the Watchman peak, 5½ miles. It is passable for foot or horseback.

“Another trail follows the rim east from the hotel to the top of Garfield peak, 1½ miles, elevation 8,060 feet.

“The most important trail constructed this year is the one from the hotel to the boat landing, a drop of 900 feet on an approximate grade of 15 percent and 1¼ miles long. This is an easy grade for a trail and has been traversed by horses to the water.

“Two very artistic log cabins were built at the eastern and western entrances to the park.”

Season:                 1917       12,042 visitors. (Internet says: 11,645)

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