Smith History – 99 News from 1946


1946      Last recorded sighting of beaver activity along Annie Creek.

Major National Park Service uniform change when the wearing of slacks and shoes replaces the breech pants and boots.

March                     1946      Following the end of WWII, Crater Lake is again reopened on a year-round basis.

April                        1946      Snow crushes the dinning hall-bunkhouse. (Presently known as the Canfield Building)

June 15                  1946      The Lodge reopens after being closed for four years during the war.  Much damage to be repaired.

The park, which had been closed during the winter months throughout the war years, resumed regular year-round operations. Chief Ranger Crouch and a small staff of temporary rangers were on duty in the park several days before the official opening.  By June 30, however, a staff of twelve temporary rangers and six fire control aides were working. Checking incoming park visitors was resumed with the opening of the park, and temporary checking stands were built at the south and west entrances. Checking at the park boundaries was found “to be highly advantageous,” and the traffic jams, common when cars from both entrances were checked at Annie Spring, were eliminated. (Admin History)

July                         1946      Tourists capture a cougar kitten from Munson Valley.  The kit-napping was discovered as the car was about to leave the West Entrance checking station.

July 8                     1946      A year round weather station is again established at Park Headquarters.

July 19                   1946      Rescue of two persons from below the Lodge.

August 7                1946      Dorothy M. Dodge appointed as the Park’s seventh postmaster.

Season                  1946      Visitation: 188,794 (Online says: 208,640)

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