Smith History – 103 News from 1950


January                 1950      Record snowfall for one month, 313 inches.  73 inches fell in one 48-hour period. The largest one-month accumulation in the state’s history.

1950      For the calendar year – 903 inches or 75 feet – also setting an Oregon state record. The official water year at Crater Lake runs from October 1 to September 30, so this amount of snow does not fall into the Park’s “official” record book.

July 2                     1950      Rescue of boy below Sinnott Memorial Overlook.

July 12                   1950      Rescue of two men below Sinnott Memorial Overlook.

August 10              1950      Bruce Brandell reports beaver workings on Copeland Creek.  Five inch diameter fir all but gnawed down.  Trees in vicinity are stripped of bark, but no dams or houses found.  Probably Mountain Beaver.

Summer                1950      Seasonal Naturalists Donald and Dorothy Farmer band 160 Clark’s Nutcrackers.

White pie plate displayed below Sinnott Overlook in 128 feet of water to demonstrate how far one can see below the surface of the Lake.

The movie, Canyon Passage, filmed partially in Jacksonville, has included in it a scene showing Indians riding up out of the Caldera and attacking a wagon train on the Rim Drive.  The movie stars Ward Bond, Loretta Young, Brian Dunlevy and Dan Daily.

Ruth Hopson Keen, 4138 S.W. Fourth Ave., Portland, OR 97201, (222-1430) becomes the first lady Ranger-Naturalist.  Ruth worked the month of June, and then taught at the Park under Dr. Rule.  She gave her programs in the Lodge and lived for two summers with the Leavitts in the Superintendent’s house.

Also staying with the Leavitts during most summers were Mrs. Leavitt’s sister, Eva Hamilton and nephew Alex from Medford. Mrs. Leavitt was a gracious hostess to the many guests who frequented the Superintendent’s home. She did all the cooking and entertaining without any domestic help. She did insist on clean floors. (Story from Alex Hamilton, August 25, 2006)

October 15            1950      Superintendent Leavitt reports that due to labor unrest and quarrels, Lodge manager Price has fired his son-in-law who headed up the Company’s improvement program, along with a number of other employees.

October 16            1950      Recovery of a Clark’s Nutcracker at the headwaters of the Lewis River on Mt. Adams, Washington. The bird had been banded by Dorothy Farmer at Rim Village, September 1, 1950.

Season                  1950      Visitation – 328,041 – a new record. (Online says: 310,796)

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