January 1957 Jeff Adams, Maintenance Superintendent, begins his 23-year career with Crater Lake.
August 27 1957 Paul Herron, Crater Lake boat operator for 26 years, returns to the Park following his heart attack. Paul continues to assist the company as a part-time machinist until 1980. Paul was especially proud of his record of no boating accidents during his years in charge.
Summer 1957 Due to the relocation of Highway 97, the use of the East Entrance has fallen to less than 4% of the total visitation to the Park. Officials feel that this reduction in entry use warrants the closing of one of the Park’s original entrance routes.
The Rim Village parking lot is enlarged.
Summer 1957 Evening ranger slide programs are begun in the Great Hall of the Lodge. They continue for 20 years, when they are removed to the old Rim Center (Community Building). The Lodge is sleeping 300 people each night, including 90 employees up on the fourth floor. Up to 12 employees are crammed to the dorm rooms. Fire escape amounts to a long rope with knots.
Season Visitation: 330,499
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